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1980's-90's (?) halogen torchiere lamp

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Alfie21's loves1633 of 3002antique plant/etc tableCHEAP RED WINE (bottle)
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    Does anybody even want to remember these things?? Seems like they were *everywhere* just a couple decades ago, now I can't remember the last time I saw one. (except this one when I dug it out of an attic, thinking it needed saving but not really knowing why?)

    OK, well, maybe it was because their 300w halogen bulbs suck a ton of electricity (comparatively) while actually producing *horrible glaring* light, (unless aimed at a ceiling like these did, which makes the light produced even more unsuitable for about everything) or maybe it was because they were generally so poorly made that they'd fall to pieces or burn out their dimmer switches even before they accumulated a decent coat of house dust, or maybe because those 300w bulbs really liked to start 'things around them' on fire with only the slightest moment's worth of draperies in the breeze or falling down on the carpet/sofa when it broke -- or WHATEVER...

    Anyway, here's one that survived. (for the moment) True to their reputation, this one is non-functional now for reasons I'll never bother to troubleshoot, because I simply don't care about it. <lol> It is the black color scheme, they also commonly came in white and maybe brass/silvertone, I don't really remember because I didn't really care then, either...?? <LOL>

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