Posted 14 years ago
(42 items)
I have been getting rid of some of these lures, but honestly don't have ANY idea what they are, unless it is written on it. This one has nothing to indicate what it is or who the maker is. Anybody know? Appreciate it. MG
These type of lures are more than likely 60's era, made of wood, and this one is a top water "popper looks like. NICE PEICE!!
could be sears brand, Sears made EVERYTHING back in the day, espiceally sporting goods and even guns.
This has glass eye's, looks like South Bend Co. Name is Fish-Oreno, c.1926 ..
However its missing metal front part that goes on nose. With the metal nose the size would be 3 1/2". That's my guess. rivertrout
Being old and having been around things back in the early fifties, I also felt that this was something older than newer. Thanks for all the imput........MG
I believe that this will settle it once and for all. You WERE right. Thanks for lending your expertise.......MG
Looks like a South Bend Bass Oreno - See ebay auction -