Posted 15 years ago
(26 items)
ERIE Railway Co. brass top, bellbottom railroad lanterns. Lantern on the right made by Parmelee & Bonnell in Buffalo, NY, around 1875. The lantern is prominently marked ERIE Ry Co. and has two 1871 patent dates stamped in, typical of P&B lanterns. The flashed ruby globe is cast with ERIE in heavy relief, and is typical of the narrow girth, double ring, barrel-style globes unique to the ERIE, and its successor, N.Y.L.E & W. R. R. This lantern has a three-tab, Sangster spring oil fount and Sangster cowl burner, also typically found on early ERIE lanterns, and is hallmarked on the base "Parmelee & Bonnell, Buffalo, NY".
The lantern on the left was made by Wm. Porter's Sons in New York, in the early 1870s. The brass top is embossed E. Ry. Co. Clear globe is embossed ERIE.
Another ERIE lantern shown was made by D. D. Miller in New York, circa early 1870s. This model features a detachable lid, which locks into a special top channel assembly. This frame was made for ERIE to accommodate their special barrel globe
Thanks again for sharing....!!! Are any of these pieces for sale?