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Mystery Bohemian? Vase

In Art Glass > Bohemian Art Glass > Show & Tell.
Bohemian Art Glass6815 of 6908Carl Georg von Reichenbach Secessionist Goblet for Poschinger, OberzwieselauLoetz Marmoriertes (Onyx), enameled, ca. 1895
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (11 items)

    Hi, this is a mystery vase - I love the unusual background colour. it is 6 1/2" high, and has three half-globe indentations (cartouches?) - I apologize for my poor terminology. This is a family item, and I've happily spent hours and hours looking for something remotely similar. I've looked through all the decors on the wonderful Bohemian glass sites. It is not signed, unfortunately. It is to be sold, but I don't even know what to call it! I've had it into an appraiser, and they really couldn't help.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. ozmarty ozmarty, 13 years ago
      Hi huronia, this is an example of a Kralik ball vase
      see we don't get them down here in OZ . I would like to find the one down here. regards Marty
    2. huronia huronia, 13 years ago
      OMG! Thanks so much! and thanks for linking to the site - I'm in Canada, btw. I see this vase has lots of pretty first cousins....

      Thanks again for being so generous with your knowledge..

    3. patsy jones, 13 years ago
      you might want to send a photo to
    4. huronia huronia, 13 years ago
      Thanks Patsy -- sorry ab0ut the delayed reaction to your comment - I just saw it... I will check this site out, thanks very much.


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