Posted 14 years ago
(85 items)
Picked this bike up last weekend. The paint was originally red, its all gone now though because of the rust. I cleaned it up a little bit so that you can still see the red paint under it but it wont matter when I restore it anyways. I think it was made in the 60's but I'm not sure. Any ideas?
Finally found a used hubcap and crank for the bike
Yes, Mid 6o's. Its the same frame as a Sears Spaceliner. Tank as well ! I have 2 of the Spaceliners, very KOOL Bike you have !!
Is it hard to find the chrome hubcaps that went on the sprocket? This bike was supposed to have one but it wasn't on it when I got the bike.
Both The girls & boys bikes had the hupcap, you may run up on one......they are made out of "plastic" and held on by 4 screws unfortunatly they broke easily and were trashed. As Nice as my Red Spaceliner is, it was missing the hubcap, luckly a friend had a girls bike he bought for parts & he saw mine was gone and gave it to me. I had to repaint it because all the chrome had long Flaked off. I wish I had one to offer you but I would like to have "2" more myself, lol !! one for the Chrome SpaceLiner I have & one for a Girls SpaceLiner I have in also.
I will sure be on the lookout for some
Be glad your headlight is complete, those are almost always damaged or missing and are pretty much 'unobtainium'. Are you going to restore it back to original?
I'm planning on restoring it this winter. I did find a new chrome sprocket and hubcap for it so I'm pretty happy about that. Yeah I'm glad that the lens isn't broken because I'm sure it would be near impossible to find a replacement. I still have to get a new fork and front fender for it.
I just picked up a cosmic flyer that's missing the fenders, tank, and hubcap. Any of that stuff floating around out there?