Posted 3 years ago
(977 items)
In my early teens, I collected baseball autographs and also ventured out with other famous people as well.
I created this photo grouping and mailed it off to Justice Brennan along with a note asking, if possible, please pass it on to the other justices for signature.
I was fully expecting to have to mail it to each Justice individually. When it arrived back less than a month later, I was shocked when I found it had been passed around and was fully signed.
It is one of my prized possessions and includes several of my favorite justices— Brennan (one of my oldest daughter’s middle names), Marshall and Blackmun.
My photos of my photo/ autographs— do not copy or use without permission.
How *very cool* that the Justices were all so kind as to fulfill your (presumably random) request! :-) One could wonder if the members of today's Court would bother themselves to do so, or even *if* they would ever receive your note in the first place, given the current climate of paranoia about unexpected packages arriving at official places...? <groan>
Thanks much fort, vetraio and obscure.
Very cool!! That's pretty awesome that they all signed this for you Scott.
I'm impressed ! I see CW has been over-commercialized. What a shame.
Thanks much nobucks!