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two old (and beat up) ceiling light fixtures

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    Posted 3 years ago

    (1778 items)

    The bigger 5-socket one probably was intended to hold just bare lightbulbs, the smaller single-socket one would have had a (simply shaped, milk glass?) globe/shade of some variety. The big one looks like it might have had a nickel plated finish, the smaller was maybe dark brasstone. Pics 3 & 4 show their 'ceiling sides' and one of the ceramic sockets in the big one as made by DELL. Besides that neither has any markings at all, I'll guess both are somewhereabouts 1940's in age anyway. :-)

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 3 years ago
      Add some little blinking lights and they will look like UFOs (not that I’VE ever seen one). ;^)

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