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20 inch Shirley Temple Doll

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NaVi8274's items8 of 1720 inch Shirley Temple Doll18 inch Shirley Temple doll
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (17 items)

    I received her yesterday, she’s dirty and crazed but that’s ok, I will clean her up and fill in those craze lines carefully. I have her little dress clean and ready for her to wear, I will need to find some socks for her… either way she’s very pretty, just needs a little TLC :-)

    Saturday August 6 2022

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Beautiful new Shirley to add to your awesome collection. All she needs is some TLC, you do such wonderful restoration & make each of your dolls lovelier
    2. Manikin Manikin, 3 years ago
      Can't wait to see her all fixed up! Have you ever tried a black sharpie to color in a pupil?
    3. NaVi8274 NaVi8274, 3 years ago
      @Newfld thank you! Many Blessings :)
    4. NaVi8274 NaVi8274, 3 years ago
      @Manikin I honestly haven’t tried it, I’ve seen other Shirley dolls with the pupils, but with all due respect I personally like their eyes like this. There’s something pretty about them. my younger brother once told me she has zombie eyes…lol (he’s scared to come in my room ^-^)
    5. arctophilegirl, 3 years ago
      My Shirley has similar eyes, and I actually like them too. I see the white pupils as sparkles in her eyes. :)
    6. NaVi8274 NaVi8274, 3 years ago
      @arctophilegirl yes! It reminds me of a sparkle or aurora/halo in her eyes! Very pretty other wise, thank you for the comment.
    7. arctophilegirl, 3 years ago
      They look more alive in my opinion with that sparkle or aura... When I bought my Shirley, the seller mentioned a "common problem" with the eyes, but when I got her, I loved her eyes!
    8. arctophilegirl, 3 years ago
      Yours is lovely too. Her smile is unique.
    9. NaVi8274 NaVi8274, 3 years ago
      @arctophilegirl thank you! Stay tuned I will post a new post after I finish doing her hair :)
    10. arctophilegirl, 3 years ago
      Great! I will actually add a new photo to my Shirley thread soon too, as I had to do her hair too. :) I don't know. these very early Shirley Temple dolls seemed to have shorter hair than later ones?
    11. NaVi8274 NaVi8274, 3 years ago
      @arctophilegirl some of the early ones are the oldest ones so they probably went through and seen a lot during all these years. Some get their hair cut off or a child brushed the hair too much leading to thinning/balding. Some aren’t touched and their hair becomes flat or matted, some even retained their original factory curls!
    12. NaVi8274 NaVi8274, 3 years ago
      Even time Disintegrates the hair naturally. who knows….
    13. arctophilegirl, 3 years ago
      My doll definitely had her hair brushed when I bought her. It was sort of straight. Not sure if it was done by a child in the past, or maybe it was a bit messy, so the seller herself just brushed it. I tried to make it a bit wavy like in the first photos, but I was not very happy, so now she has curls, even if tiny ones.
      She is going to get her own UGG boots today. :) They didn't exist back then, but I could not resist the temptation when I saw her size. :)

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