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Rooftop Oil?

In Petroliana > Gas Pumps > Show & Tell.
Gas Pumps21 of 354National curved glass gas pump1950’s “BOWSER” gas pump~~Standard Oil theme with an original Red Crown gas globe
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    Posted 3 years ago

    (956 items)

    When I was a kid in Texas and Calif we used to see oil wells everywhere that were producing the fuel to run our cars and trucks.
    Couldn’t find oil in the ground in Hawaii but did find an alternative on the roof! What a surprise when I found that the roof produced fuel to run my car! Same old gas pump we used when I was a kid. My dad would have used a similar pump.
    Car seems to run just fine but the pump only runs during the day for some reason? It’s a strange new World we live in. W


    1. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 3 years ago
      Love my Tesla also but I’m
      not too sure about showing license plate online

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