Posted 2 years ago
(3433 items)
The Murex family of sea snails are predatory snails. I think the most common type are the ones that look like combs. This version is also known as a Ramose. Anyway it is an interesting and colorful shell. This example is 4 1/2 inches long, they get up to 10" long or so. This one is a fine size for me as space matters. Plus this one is a bit more colorful than the larger examples.
Now since I mentioned the Shell Shop in Morro Bay that is where I buy most of my shells. Went there as a teen in the long ago. I still have then pieces I bought there. It began selling abalone shells from a stand for 10 cents each. Now abalone are endangered and are being eaten by sea otters there. I am planning to go up there this winter to see the male Sea Elephants battle for space so we will see what we will see.
Fabulous shell, it's absolutely gorgeous
Thank you very much Newfld.