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Turtle/tortoise Skull

Keep It Creepy43 of 107Early photograph of Doctor with SKULLCoral Memento Mori Skull Pendant
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (29 items)

    This Turtle/tortoise skull belonged to my grandfather. He is an artist, and after finding this skull, on the beach many years ago, he began using it for still life style photographs. He has many amazing photographs and collages. Since he gave it to me it has become one of my prizes possessions even though I normally wouldnt want a bone as part of my collection.

    My grandfathers collage website:


    1. sgtnick sgtnick, 14 years ago
      like you I'm not much into bones but it sure looks cool !!!
    2. Purpleisafruit6, 14 years ago
      Yeh I also like it because it was a part of so many of my grandfathers photographs.

      Thanks for your comment
    3. Purpleisafruit6, 14 years ago
      Thanks Lisa!
    4. VikingFan82 VikingFan82, 14 years ago
      You could pass it off as an alien skull :P
    5. Purpleisafruit6, 14 years ago
      yeh thats one of the things I love about it, no one can tell what kind of skull it is, it just looks so strange
    6. Purpleisafruit6, 14 years ago
      thanks vontrike!
    7. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 14 years ago
      Fun collages. I just adore mixed media art.
    8. lundy lundy, 14 years ago
      interesting how big do u think it was
    9. Purpleisafruit6, 14 years ago
      Vestaswind: Im glad someone took a look at his artwork. He is 95 and still works everyday in his studio, its inspiring. His prints are available on
    10. Purpleisafruit6, 14 years ago
      Lundy: well just the skull is about 10'' L X 8'' W so I think it must have been pretty big.
    11. Purpleisafruit6, 14 years ago
      Thanks vanskyock24!

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