Posted 2 years ago
(1207 items)
I saw this glass lion at a thrift shop but did not buy it as the tail is broken off. I should have measured it but forgot that I had my tape measure with me. Guessing it is about 4" long, 3" high x 1.75" wide. I could not find a signature/mark on it.
I could not find a similar example online, so was wondering if anyone knows who made it. Very well done piece, guessing it was semi-magnificent before the tail was lost, depending on what the tail looked like.
It is gorgeous and I really like the use of controlled bubbles in the glass !~
Or is it just a reflection of the background, beautiful either way !~
Thanks, PhilDMorris! Actually there are no bubbles in it, that is just a distortion of the holes in the peg board behind it. The glass has a blue/gray cast to it.
Yes, you figured it out. It is really nicely made. It was a struggle to not buy, broken tail and all. $5 seems a bit steep for a broken piece, though.
Very pretty lion, I really like the sculpted mane around his head