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home comfort cookstove

In Kitchen > Stoves > Show & Tell.
Stoves646 of 753Royle Oak Wood or Coal StoveVery large Wedgewood - has a commercial feel and look.  Probably from the mid 1930s
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (2 items)

    I would like 2 have this 1908 home comfort cook stove Appraised it is great condition sorry I can't enlarge the picture check itout on my face book charles caldwell

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    1. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      I have one just like it . The nickle plating was all gone on mine when I bought it . I painted the trim to match the other stove in my kitchen . Years ago I showed a picture of my stove to a couple of antique dealers and they valued my stove at around $2,000.00 at that time . With yours still having the nickle plating I would say that yours has a bit more value than mine .
    2. Susan, 13 years ago
      We had one of these in a house that we rented when I was first married. We used it to cook and heat and I loved it. I cooked a turkey in it when an ice storm blew out the electricity. They are classic. I see them around from time to time but don't know the value.
    3. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 13 years ago
      i just googled it and hit images. It's a popular stove, I need to find one for my kitchen!
    4. crestonian, 13 years ago
      I came across a BRIDGE BEACH & CO. of SAINT LOUIS No.86-18 .It is a combo of wood,coal, and a steel range as well on the front left side it says MOHAWK also .Im having a hard time figuring out how old this stove is. Any information would be very appreciated thank you.
    5. pastorcaldwell, 13 years ago
      crestonian my stove date is on left side a long with other infirmadtion hope u can fine the date
    6. walksoftly walksoftly, 13 years ago
      Check out this link, it is a Canadian stove restoration/appraisal site, bur there are links to American sites as well.
    7. crestonian, 13 years ago
      thanks alot ill try that
    8. crestonian, 13 years ago
      thanks for the link I still couldnt find the info I needed but your help was well appreciated.

    9. walksoftly walksoftly, 13 years ago
      Did you contact one of the appraisers on the site, for the little bit they charge it is well worth the money. I just used the services of the Canadian expert & it was money well spent. They have amassed a large collection of literature that is not available on line.
    10. Kim24 Kim24, 13 years ago
      Did you find out anymore information on your stove. I just posted one like it we found in an old outbuilding on some property we bought. You can see my post and photo's on here. Ours is a Home Comfort also.
    11. cowgirlup2, 12 years ago
      thanks for the info i found the date on my comfort home stove so happy .. what are they worth anyone know

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