Posted 2 years ago
(436 items)
Happy Easter CW folks!
Latest addition to my pen wipes collection :-)
9cm long, 8cm high.
Only issue is a front leg misshaped.
It came with a wild hairdo, too high and too large on the side... So I trimmed it a bit :-))
Happy Easter Kyra ! He's amazing. A pen wipe...something I've never seen or heard of. :)
Hi mikelv85!
They are called too nib wipe, from the era when the use of dip pen was the norm, and when people lived whimsical accessories on their desk ;-)
Oh WOW!! You had to know I would absolutely love this one! A magnificent pen wipe indeed!! Happy Easter to you Kyra!!
He's so CUTE!!! I adore the pose, he looks so like a genuine rabbit, getting ready to sprint off- this pose makes me think he's spotted some kind of danger?! And the fact he's a pen wipe? I'd have guessed pin cushion at first glance, because those are numerous and collectible.
Joyeuses Paques Pascale! I absolutely adore your hare/rabbit penwipe it is sensational. Have a wonderful blessed holiday my friend
- Luv Jenni
Long ears, totally fetching, this rabbit is one I would love on my desk and that it serves a purpose makes it all the more desirable. I imaging it could also be used for pins like they used to have in sewing stands. Magnifico Mondo, Dear Pascale, love to you !~
Happy Easter what a nice thing
Happy Easter :)
Scott! Of course I knew you'd love him... ;-D
Lauren, hi! Thank you! That's why I love Vienna bronze animals, they are so life-like.
Many of the pen wipes became pincushions once the bristles were worn... I use mine to display some stickpins!
Jenni, so glad to see you here (hare? Lol) thanks for all your kind comments and loves, XO
Phil! It would be an honor for him to sit on your desk in your magnificent home!
It is very convenient for stickpins too :-D
Love back to you XO
Kivatinitz and Trey thank you for your kind visit, appreciation and wishes :-)
About pen wipes: