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A Black Forest Butcher Automaton Clock

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Wall Clocks234 of 269Black Forest Musical Flute Clock C. 18201959 WORLD TIME DISPLAY
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (10 items)

    This Black Forest shield clock has an automated scene of a butcher at work. The wood "shield" is painted to resemble an open door barn. Inside the barn door is a carved wood painted figure of an ox and a butcher.

    On the hour the ox is stuck on the head with the butchers Ax once for each hour in perfect sequence with the blow to the bell. After the last blow the ox falls over dead! This really shows the ingenuity of the Black Forest craftsman.

    The clock utilizes a wood plate movement, and was made C. 1840 in the Black Forest cottage industry. An excellent example of Black Forest folk art.

    A video of this clock in auction can be seen on our website at

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    1., 13 years ago
      Thanks for your kind words. We must remember when this clock was made the butchering of the animals was very much necessary for survival. The separation from the animal and dinner was not as clean as it is today.



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