Posted 10 months ago
(17 items)
I washed the clothes, took it apart and washed each limb. There was a red plastic straw tube that was bouncing around in the body. I used very hot water and soap. Unfortunately I couldn't remove the brown stains on her face (cheeks). Her hair was kinda crunchy and dry a bit oily when I purchased her. Now it's a bit soft but still feels plastic-y (because its still plastic hair) but I don't mind it. The eyes definitely shine now, I couldn't see them well at the store. If you have any tips or advice I would appreciate it :) thx!
She's so beautiful & wonderful restoring, nice job. Her little bunny friend is adorable too
@Newfld thank you for the kind comment! Yes, the bunny is very adorable :) I love it too :D blessings x
Hi I have good luck removing spots by applying believe it or not Acne cream must be Maximum Strength 10% Benzoyl Peroxide Acne cream , Put some on spots and lay her in sun , Cover rest of body from sun . You may have to reapply a few times . Because her hair is saran more like a fabric dip her head upside down in a bowl with Downey clothes softener or any brand , rinse and dry off with towel . The tube inside her was so when you bottle fed her the water ran through it to the hole in butt so she wet her pants :-) She is so cute !!!
@Manikin thank you for the tips/advice, I appreciate it :) I will give your methods a try! Blessings x