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my very nice fiddlebase x 2

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davidholmes's items4 of 4my lovely 222k featherweightSinger 224
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (4 items)

    These are the pride of my collection, a Singer 12k fiddlebase, dated from 1890, and a Nothmann Corona fiddlebase, very rare I believe, notice how small the wheel is compared to the Singer and also the unique gearing, dated 1900.

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    1. Nick Westrick, 14 years ago
      I Foumd A Singer that is from 1914. How do I find what it is worth? It works just needs oiled.
    2. Nancy Salisbury, 14 years ago
      That is one nice Singer 12K fiddle base . I love it . The other machine is also nice but I love the old Singer machines .
    3. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      for those asking identification and value on antique sewing machines -- a good resource book is

      "The Encyclopedia of Early American & Antique Sewing Machines Identification & Values" by Carter Bays -- third edition

      googled a copy for myself -- cost from $273 to $900 -- believe i will continue to be checking mine out when needed from the local library

      The Singer is on book pgs 218 - 221 -surprisingly nothing found on the corana

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