Posted 1 month ago
(3 items)
Original Cocograss Plush from France by Jemini
Jemini released a collection of Cococinel's friends which included Cocograss (green), Cocomauve (purple), Coco-Orange (orange), Cocobleu (blue), and it is currently unknown if a Cocofleur (pink) plush exists. The Cocograss plush by Jemini is extremely rare and impossible to find. This plush is mainly characterized by NOT having a clover, unlike the Italian version by Gig, which for some strange reason has a clover and a neck tag that says "Cococinel". This version is easier to find, but it's a poorly made version since Cocograss in the Cococinel series does not wear a clover. The clover is exclusive to Cococinel in the Cococinel story. Cocograss only wears a neck ribbon with a yellow bow on one side, which is also reflected in the plush. However, if the plush does not have this accessory, it can be distinguished as the French version if it does not have the clover.