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Looking for information on this beautiful table lamp

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    Posted 2 months ago

    (16 items)

    Trying to get some information on this lamp. Purchased at an estate sale and the seller had no information on it.

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 2 months ago
      Some people on the internet call them Hollywood Regency. What this lamp is neither, as there is no such term except for Hollywood and Regency. Regency is a period in England for the first 20 years of the 1800's. 1800 to 1815 technically. These large lamps were made from 1967 to the 1980's, but by 1980 they had lost favour with the public. A lot of people started seeing them at garage sales as did I by the 1990's. My father found one of them. Personally I love them but a lot of people do not. The metal was made well and nicely finished to look like gold plate which if treated well, survived O.K.. yours being bigger than a lot of them. If you look at e-bay you will see a lot over time with the same parts or style. Some people will even call them retro, although they never made them in the 1950's. I have put some and found some on the net, Here is a link to some on this site. Most of them are not marked at all !

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