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Canadian Long Lines? - Mystery Pin

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Recent Activity26 of 1105The Bell Telephone Company of BuffaloMystery Bell System Charm
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    Posted 1 month ago

    (109 items)


    A mystery pin! A few clues: sterling on reverse, features "The Spirit of Electricity" seemingly supplying cables, and issued from Canada. Any ideas?

    I have only seen one of these pins in 17 years. You can try to look up Trans-Canada, but find nothing about this design.


    As I struggle to find the origin of this pin, I found a poem used by AT&T, and used a long time ago:

    Wherein each earth-encircling day shall be a Pentecost of speech, and men shall hear, each in his dearest tongue, his neighbor’s voice Tho’ separate by half the globe (Barrett, 1937, p. 178).

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. earthandmagneto earthandmagneto, 1 month ago
      Thank you for all of the loves! It means a lot to me!

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