Posted 13 years ago
(148 items)
Here's my sled sign, very much like Trevor's fine example. This was shipped from San Diego, CA to Mason, MI a number of months ago. According to the seller, it was estimated to have been first installed at a SD family store in 1959. He told me that just a few years later, another sign was bolted over the face of this sign, and sat that way until it came down last year. The painted surface of this sign is in very good condition, except for 6 drill holes by which the other sign was attached. The sign came with 2 original brackets, which I sold last month for a minor cost off set. Today I purchased 4 Florida Coca-Cola Bottling safe driving award pins for a very good price, thinking I'd flip them, but then dawned on me they would do nicely to cover a few of those holes. I'm pleased with the result (need 2 more!). Good Evening. -- Dave
Wooohooo! Beautiful condition all because somebody bolted another on top of it.
Well in this case, looks like it saved it from the sun and much fading.
WTG Dave, Almost new looking!
Thanks Perry, as always, I appreciate your kind words. Yes, nice condition, Left Coast weather probably helped too. The holes kinda bothered me at first, but I'm working around them. I don't get a chance to look at this particular wall much, it's sorta out of the way. I love this sign, one of my favs. Thanks again. Hope it's going good.
Looks Great D_N!!! The pins idea is sharp too !!
I'd dump the pins...and just put some red construction paper or red poster board on the backside of each hole and the drill holes will pretty much fade away. The pins just draw attention to them.
thanks oldpop, good idea! I'll try poster board on the other two holes, see how that works for me. I wasn't sure that if I kept the pins, how I'd display them. This seems to serve a couple purposes.
Great looking sign Dave, nice idea with the pins too!
Nice sign i like yours more than mine
Thanks Bernie and Trevor. Hey Trev, I think they're about the same. Yours is a very nice one. There's another one just like it up on eBay, auction ends in 8 hrs, item 280745134440, sale price is up around $300 delivered. You got a very good deal on a real gem, job well done.
Thanks dave i checked out that sign on ebay im really happy with my buy when i see others sell for more. thanks for showing me.
My parents had a sign like that in their store for years that hung from the ceiling and the back side of it had a wire rack for the paper bags. Could that possibly be where the holes first came from?
Hi Petunia, I think you are likely correct. It's funny you should make that very good observation, because just recently I saw an old sled-like sign with a metal rack attached. That one looked like it was a six pack holder display. I thought of mine, and just briefly considered maybe it was part of a larger display. Your comment clinches it for me! This sign being an indoor version with rack attached makes so much more sense than somebody bolting another sign over it, which now just seems for sure like it was a line handed to me by the seller. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. Another piece of the puzzle! (now I'll start keeping an eye out for a rack...that will be a long shot!). -- Dave
The bags fit across the back of the sign and you could not see them from the front. The sacks fit in different size spaces across the back of the sign. The sacks were in the spaces like they were standing up and you could reach up and pull down whichever size you needed. I wish I could explain it better.
I'm tracking what you're describing. A bag dispenser rack with advertising display. That's a home run Petunia, nailed it.
Glad I could help.
HMMMMM, I'm thinking if we could get a good view of a rack, one could be made fairly easy. Until a proper one can be purchased. If Bernie can build a truck dang it, we can build a rack, lol!!!
Right! I'll break out the old coat hangers and some duct tape! :)
That looks like the way the bag rack was but I am not sure our sign was just like that one. It has been a long time so I just can not be sure about the sign itself. I am glad I was able to help you on this.
Thanks again Ray and Petunia!
Daddy_Nobucks, you are not going to believe this! My husband just brought my sign in the house. It was in the storage building and I thought it had disappeared a long time ago. Now another question. The one shown on Ebay has the 6pack carton picture on it. Mine has the little boy that was on Coke stuff for a long time. Does anyone know the dates these emblems would have been used? I will get a picture if I can.
The six pack bag holder dates to 1939, and the sprite boy dates to 1947-1949.
earlycoke, Did you mean that the sprite boy was only used during those years?
your sign with sprite boy pic was only used during those years thats what earlycoke i think is trying to say.
Sprite Boy bag holder signs with the dates 47, 48, and 49 can be found. The actual sprite boy had a much longer life as TGBWC was saying.