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Mcilhaney Dairy Bottle Caps

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (34 items)

    Here are 2 milk bottle caps that I have found from my uncles dairy. These are marked Albuquerque NM. They also were in Lubbock Tx.
    Not sure of the date of these. The dairy was in operation from 1925-1950. I believe the larger cap is from a half gallon or gallon and the smaller one may be a quart. It fits the quart jug that I have.
    They are cardboard I believe

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    1. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      Thanks Bellin68
    2. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      thanks rocker-sd
    3. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      thanks elayem
    4. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      thanks packrat
    5. justjonna, 13 years ago
      I think the dairy in Albuquerque was open longer than 1950 - because I remember walking to the dairy to buy milk (and watching the milk go through all the pipes on it's way to being processed and bottled) - and I wasn't born til 1969. It's crazy how much Albuquerque has changed - but these bottle tops brought back some very happy memories for me. Thanks for sharing!
    6. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      Thanks justjonna. The dairy in Albuquerque may have been open longer. I thought my great uncle had closed it sooner. Ill have to check on that. Glad they were able to give you some happy memories
    7. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 13 years ago
      thanks majestic
    8. Tammb, 11 years ago
      trgrubaugh, I am happy to have found this post. I found a miniature McILhaney milk bottle at an estate sale and was googling to find out exactly what type of bottle it was. It was to small to be a milk bottle. It must have been advertisement.
      Thank you for your post. The post was several year ago, so I hope you get this message.
    9. trgrubaugh trgrubaugh, 11 years ago
      thanks Tammb. I would love to see a pic of it, I haven't ever seen a miniature bottle. I also have a quart size bottle posted,

    10. cacheman, 4 years ago
      I know the last post on this page was over 7 years ago but couldn't resist tapping into here and adding a comment. I was in the middle of writing an email to a client and was talking of the history in the area and describing where I live, on Tyler Rd. NE (it used to always throw the pizza delivery man because he would automatically go to Tyler Rd. NW and not find us!), and also being a fan of history, I was describing to her that we are just east of where the old McILhany Dairy sat. Since I hate seeing any word misspelled in print I googled it to find a correct spelling of their family name and ran into your site. I bought this house in 1984 (yep, still in it), and McILhaney's was still operating at the time there on Edith Blvd., just north of Osuna Rd. I was a frequent patron, I remember it almost felt like a drive up experience, in the old sense. Loved the milk with the cream that rose to the top! Anyway. I'm just guesstimating, but I would say they lasted another 3 years or so? I was bummed when they closed up shop....sad.
    11. RandysRocks, 2 months ago
      Hello, I found an old piece of your family's history. It's the old Printers Cut/Block for milk caps from your uncles dairy.
      RandysRocks at hotmail and I can send a picture.

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