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Metal art???

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (33 items)

    Got it at an auction... for around 30 bucks... it is suppose to be a wind chime but I am planning on just hanging it... was wondering if there is anything behind this or not. I was told things like this are metal art and can be sometimes collectables even if they are not old.



    Mystery Solved


    1. solver solver, 13 years ago
      Katherine, my theory is that many things we currently own will be a collectible at some point in time. It's a good-looking western sign but difficult to know if it has any age unless seen in person; I wouldn't know and maybe someone will come along who has knowledge in this area.

      If you like it and feel you paid a fair price, that's all that matters.

      Here is a reproduction sign like yours that can be purchased online. For reference purposes only:
    2. rural_charms rural_charms, 13 years ago
      Oh I am absolutely satisfied with what I paid for compared with what other people paid earlier for similar pieces in the 70's and upper. I got the piece because I love western, southwester...rustic... well you get my drift :) Thanks so much for the link... and for the compliment on the piece..she sure is a hot looking cowgirl!

    3. solver solver, 13 years ago
      LOL, do you "'reckon" she is a she and not a he [bronco rider]?
    4. rural_charms rural_charms, 13 years ago
      oohh well ;-) :D

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