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pepsi machine

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (524 items)

    70s pepsi machine - works good gets cold fast- went to the first baptist church consignment shop and they had this in there for 100.00 and i just couldnt pass it up. thanks for looking.


    1. revdave revdave, 13 years ago
      Think i'll go have a Pepsi!! How many have i had out of a machine like that I wonder
    2. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      thanks official
    3. James James, 13 years ago
      What a sweet deal.
    4. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      thank you james
    5. captainjon captainjon, 13 years ago
      I have one just like that but it's a coke machine.. NICE
    6. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      thank you caption i will check it out
    7. Vestaswind Vestaswind, 13 years ago
      I have this machine in my garage :) Now it holds beer very nicely.
    8. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      i thought about that myself vest. thanks for the comment
    9. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      thanks cap
    10. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      thank you trey
    11. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      thank you slay
    12. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      thank you homestead
    13. neon4leon1 neon4leon1, 13 years ago
      I have one of those my self its a Coke Machine, Iwill post soon. very nice finde
    14. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      look forward to seeing it neon and thanks for the love and packrat and birdie also

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