Posted 13 years ago
(648 items)
Some information has surfaced since I first posted this three years ago - the color is himmelblau (sky blue). Acid cut back oroplastic type border around the top of the rolled fire-polished rim. Nice polished pontil. It's like if Loetz and Moser had a baby. Production number unknown, but should be Series III, ca. 1920s. Other examples of this shape are in the Glasmuseum Passau. About 5.5 inches tall and about 7.0 inches in diameter.
can't help with ID but love it whatever it is...
shape would say Loetz, extemely similar to the deco period, oval signature pieces typically found in candia Silberiris
Beautiful glass!
Starting to look more like Loetz as time goes by...
Black and gold suggestive of Loetz Etruscan decor ... which is in the next cabinet to the Silberiris "Mushrooms" at PGM ... some of which have a black enamel frieze ...
I would have been happy to buy it as such ... A good find!
I'm going to call it Loetz and depart the battlefield - thanks, all for your comments!
Update - the same shape was photographed in Passau -definitely Loetz circa 1920!
Very much like my silberiris:
I'm calling dibs. :)