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My Grandfather's Dog Head Umbrella

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (23 items)

    I have adored this umbrella since I was a child. My grandfather had a small collection of canes and this umbrella and they all stood behind the front door. The fabric is badly tattered and one of the dog's ears is broken but I still adore him. He is carved from wood and has glass eyes. He is a very dignified gentleman, just as my grandfather was.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Is it marked on any of the canes?
      It looks to be a really interesting fabric as well.
    2. ThriftStoreAddict ThriftStoreAddict, 13 years ago
      @s_p: I wish I had some of his canes. He had one that opened up into a small seat so he could rest his butt at sporting events, etc.

      @vetraio50: I don't see any marks. I've always loved the plaid. Like I said, the fabric is in terrible condition but I don't want to replace it.
    3. lovevintage lovevintage, 13 years ago
      I love your umbrella, my mom has one she bought at a yard sale. This is soo cool. Thanks Lovevintage
    4. ThriftStoreAddict ThriftStoreAddict, 13 years ago
      Thank you, lovevintage. You should post a picture of the one your mom got.
    5. lovevintage lovevintage, 13 years ago
      You know i will. Thanks for the idea. love vintage
    6. karenmathis, 11 years ago
      how do I download a picture to here,from my album??

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