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1951 Vornado Fan

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Electric Fans185 of 204Vintage Rex-Ray "Drug Store" Fan1940's FA Smith Company Electric Fan
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (124 items)

    Yeah, this fan is in pretty rough condition, but it works like a champ. This fan is a model B28C1. It is very heavy! It's also possible that the cord has been replaced. Here in a few weeks, I'm going to take this fan to be blasted down to the bare metal and repainted and get the blades nice and polished (as long as I can get all that done for less than $100). Normally I don't restore stuff, but this Vornado will be really, really cool once it looks just like new.

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    1. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      I agree, this is one of the cool ones! What color are you goin with? Little candy apple red or original aqua?
    2. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 13 years ago
      I'm still trying to decide which color to go with! I like both candy apple red and aqua on this fan. I also thought about a deep brown shade even though I don't believe it was one of the original colors available. Although, I imagine I will probably have it done in the original aqua since this one was aqua to begin with.
    3. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      I like it! Would be pretty cool in Aqua
    4. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 13 years ago
      Thank you for the loves and likes vanskyock24, officialfuel, Knivesnsuch, and PaperbackGal..
    5. packrat-place packrat-place, 13 years ago
      Great look!!!
    6. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 13 years ago
      Thank you for the *love* AntiqueRadioZenith4 and packrat-place!!
    7. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 13 years ago
      Thank you BELLIN68!!
    8. walksoftly walksoftly, 13 years ago
      Have you painted it yet?
    9. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 13 years ago
      Nope, still on the to-do list. I've had it blasted down to the bare metal but I haven't got it painted yet. The blades and the whole back section are being cleaned up and polished soon.
    10. Cassata Cassata, 13 years ago
      hey once you are done getting it restored post some pictures of it comparing old to new condition!!
    11. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 11 years ago
      Thanks for all the love everyone!

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