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Marilyn Monroe Calendar Sales Sample Prints

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (124 items)

    Here is sales sample calendar print from 1955 I believe it is a rare print image of a young Marilyn Monroe. I have not seen another of this particular shot on the web or in books. These prints were found in an old sale sample pack of calendar top picture options put out by the Liberty Advertising Company of Swarthmore Pennsylvania under the Superior Gift Line brand name. I have found 2 of these 1955 sales sample packets over the years and they both have had among many other prints, originals of the more popular Marilyn Monroe Golden Dream red drapery images of various versions as well. This particular image size is 12” x 16” and labeled at the Bottom left margin No. 1453 - The Charmer - Champion Line Made In U.S.A.. There is also a smaller 8x10 print with the title “The Charmer” on the image just behind the shoes on the floor. I took a known B&W face image of young Marilyn found on the web and pasted it on the Charmer Image for comparison. Does anyone else agree or know for sure that this is a Marilyn Monroe image. On the Charmer pics I’ve pasted the naughty bits over so CW will allow them here.

    Have added another comparison photo to the original post.

    Still not totally convinced this isn’t an early Monroe pinup. Recently found a couple photos for further comparison. Have seen since a same period confirmed pinup shot of her on a beach that was also labeled the charmer. Is it possible the widow peak could have been airbrushed out before publishing the pinup in question.

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. aycockonxion aycockonxion, 13 years ago
      Funny story... the photographs were actually taken in 1947. The photographer held on to the photos until Norma Jean became famous as Marilyn Monroe in film. A bit racy, but a fascinating and important piece of history.
    2. gvgordon gvgordon, 13 years ago
      Well what's not to like about that! Nice early pin-up find.
    3. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      Is this a pic of Norma Jean ? I have searched but can not find out.
    4. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      This was so cool that when I saw one on Ebay this morning I had to get it.Is this definitely Norma Jeane Mortenson ?
    5. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      BTW Minus the stars :)
    6. JSmed, 13 years ago
      Good question , my pretty firm belief is that it is. There seems to be an information gap regarding this particular boudoir scene pinup photo. Has it gone primarily unrecognized as Marilyn Monroe all this time? Was she possibly under age when photographed and no one has ever claimed the rights to it ? She does look very young. I don’t have a firm answer for you. I found one for sale at a vintage Pinup prints for sale shop and they were not advertising it as Marilyn or Norma Jean and had only a nominal price on the vintage 8x10 they were selling.
    7. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      Yeah the person that had it listed had a few Marilyn calendars but only had this listed as a nude lady pin up calendar.I'm thinking something like this couldn't slip by all those Marilyn fans.Either way I got a very nice vintage pin up for $10.
    8. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Interesting input Phil and good analysis.
    9. monroe4life, 13 years ago
      I would definitely have to agree with Phil Morris, having been a lifelong Marilyn Monroe Fan or Follower.
      Having read and consumed books, magazines, Films, and anything else including original Newspapers archives on the early Marilyn Monroe/Norma Jean.
      The the girl in the picture does bear a slight Resemblance to Marilyn But the Hair Line is all wrong. Just look at any of Monroes Early or later pictures she always had what is called a widows peak which comes down in to a V in the mid forehead and her nose and smile just isnt quite right. as is say she looks a bit like her but im not convinced.

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