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Books2875 of 2952Favorites from the CollectionOne of My Grandmother's Old Cookbooks
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (32 items)

    Hi!, I do not know if you will find interest in this, but this is a small part of a large collection of little books called "El ayudante práctico" (the convenient assistant) published in Argentina in the 60s and 70s. I bought two years ago 53 of these books in an old artistic bookstore, for only 50 centavos (12,50 cents) each one, and I would have bought more if they had not closed the bookstore after one week of my discovery. Four of them (the first photo) involve playing cards games. La canasta (The basket), the bridge and several Spanish card games.

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    1. aardvarkCards, 14 years ago
      Those are really cool looking. What is the pink one "Tenis de Mesa"? I am a big tennis player and wonder does it mean tennis played on red clay (like in Spain and the French Open)? This is my favorite surface for playing tennis!
    2. VintageArgentina VintageArgentina, 14 years ago
      Thanks!. My mom played tennis a long time, even she had the chance to play professionally, but finelly she decided for odontology. I like to see tennis matches on TV with her once in a while. In this case, the pink book is about table tennis, also know as ping-pong (she played that too). The ray clay in spanish is "polvo de ladrillo"...just to know ^^.
    3. aardvarkCards, 14 years ago
      Of course mesa is table in Spanish. I'm sorry my Spanish knowledge is horrible! My son is learning Spanish in school this year so maybe I'll learn something too!
      Your mother must have been a very good tennis player to almost turn pro in
    4. aardvarkCards, 14 years ago
      Argentina with so many good players! I remember one of my favorite women players was from Argentina-Gabriela Sabatini..maybe your mom knows her?
    5. VintageArgentina VintageArgentina, 14 years ago
      No problem!, never too late to learn, I want to learn english becouse I can understand almost everything but actually I don't speak english. My mother did not get that far, she had the opportunity to travel to BsAs to start, but took other directions, so she did not met Gabriela Sabatini, although she saw once Guillermo Vilas...from far =P

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