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Blendwel Crayon Tin

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Advertising Tins593 of 666My Can CollectionLARGE HERSEY'S CHOCOLATE COCOA TIN
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (34 items)

    I just think these old tins are interesting and I wanted to share a photo. I don't have any history on it, I found it in my parents house.

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    1. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
      Thanks, Officialfuel/Ozmarty
    2. oldbeer oldbeer, 13 years ago
      As an artist,I love the old art kits,tins,paints and such to decorate my work area.Very cool!
    3. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
    4. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
      Thanks vanskyock24,scadinavian_pieces,officialfuel,ozmarty.
    5. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
      Thanks Hedgewalker and wolcott 1
    6. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
      Thanks BELLIN68
    7. cwork cwork, 12 years ago
      Thanks miKKoChristmas11 and mustangtony

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