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Cabinet card of 16th Infantry Regiment soldier from the Spanish American War

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (977 items)

    This cabinet card depicts a young member of the Company K, 16th Infantry.

    He is fully decked out with a Krag rifle and bayonet. On his hip is his canteen and he has a blanket roll across his shoulders.

    His canteen and blanket roll are marked with "K, 16" with crossed rifles and the number "43". Additionally his hat has "16, K".

    He also has a wrap on his wrist and bottom finger-- possibly a wound or injury to his little finger.

    Based on the uniform and flag, I would suspect this is Spanish American War era (1898).

    The 16th Infantry particpated in the assault on San Juan Hill and later was part of the occupation forces in the Phillipines.

    There is not any photographer's information on the image-- probably made in theater.

    Reproduction of this image in any form is not authorized.


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    1. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      Hi Scott - Take a closer look at the rifle, specifically the bolt handle, rear receiver bridge, upper stock wood and shrouded front sight. I think he's carrying a 1903 Springfield. Also, that appears to be a 1905 bayonet with canvas scabbard. I think this lad is from the Philippine Occupation, which also had it's share of fighting.
    2. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      Actually, on closer inspection of the bayonet, I'm still thinking it's the M1905, but not the canvas covered scabbard, but a leather version of the scabbard that was also issued.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Good catch Chris-- thanks.

      I was lazy and made some assumptions on time period without looking close enough!

      Thanks for keeping me honest!

    4. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      Your welcome! That blanket roll, flag, etc. would make anyone think SAW at first.

      You probably surmised this already, but now that I’m home from work, I’m looking at the photo again. That’s probably a 1905 bayonet with the first style of issue scabbard. If that’s a 45 star flag (looks like all the stars are all diagonal to each other), then the photo is pre-1908, when more stars were added. So that leaves us 1905-1908. During that time the Moro tribes were in rebellion, and this young man may have had anything but a peaceful occupation duty.
    5. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks Chris.

      The 16th was in the Phillipines in 1905-1907.

      He is wearing early web gear and the 16th participated in the Punitive Expedition into Mexico, so this might be as late as that time period.

      I'll do some more research tomorrow.

      Thanks again,

    6. solver solver, 13 years ago
      The flag in the background makes this breathtaking. Another wonderful photo, Scott.
    7. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      What a great Photo Scott and I agree the flag makes it even more special . Love it !
    8. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks solver, manikin, and beach.
    9. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks official.
    10. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks Samovar-- If you have time be sure to check out my other antique photographs and militaria posted on CW.

    11. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks for looking tlmbaran.

    12. AmphoraPottery AmphoraPottery, 13 years ago
      The flag presentation on this makes it exceptional.
    13. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks again Amphora.

      I am a fan of Flag and Patriotic images as well as military.

    14. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Happy 4th of JULY!

    15. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks amber and walksoftly.

    16. scottvez scottvez, 7 years ago
      Thanks bucket.

    17. scottvez scottvez, 7 years ago
      Thanks blackwatch.


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