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A Treasure From My Hobby Craft

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Model Cars3369 of 39911939 Wyandotte Lasalle My Hobby Craft Collection
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (200 items)

    As a kid I enjoyed playing with toy cars.And even now I find enjoyment from their artistic design.Here is one I hope you will enjoy, if you are a Hobby Craft Collector.

    Model Cars
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    Vintage Original 1961 Tonka Fisherman Truck W/Houseboat/Trailer Pressed Steel.
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    Vintage 1959 Tonka Toys - Turquoise Tonka Pick-Up Truck / Stake Trailer/ 2 Bulls
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    Vintage Original 1961 Tonka Fisherman Truck W/Houseboat/Trailer Pressed Steel.
    Vintage Original 1961 Tonka Fisherm...
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    1. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      I agree BELLIN.I used to hand out Love like it was the 60s.Now I check the poster to see if they love other peoples items...if not they don't get my love.They don't have to like mine but if they can be on here for more than five minutes without loving something they don't need my love !
    2. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      Attitudes and ego's BELLIN...The world is full of them.I think some see it as a competition also...if they have been on here for 8,10,12 months and can't find something they love they are NOT collectors they are just here to get admiration from others.
      But to be fair I think sometimes the site is so overwhelming that things get missed.
    3. Ilikeart, 13 years ago
      Hi-5; I see you like hobby cars too!
    4. Ilikeart, 13 years ago
      BELLIN68, thank you for all of your nice compliments.Sorry to understand the negativity you are experiencing from others like of positive response on posted items; However, we don't have to stop giving love because others msy not be giving any.
    5. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      I'm sorry we got sidetracked Ilikeart.Your Firebird has amazing detail! It looks like the front wheels turn also ? Sweet car !!!
    6. Ilikeart Ilikeart, 13 years ago
      Hi-5 goes out too you!
    7. sean, 13 years ago
      anytime!!!! ILikeart!!!
    8. Ilikeart Ilikeart, 13 years ago
      Hi Hedge Walker, thank you very much for your compliments.
      I am happy that you find my model Firebird amazing.
    9. Ilikeart Ilikeart, 13 years ago
      Thanks Sean, any new exciting finds.
    10. Waltons_Mountain, 13 years ago

      Hey--I'll give ya some (platonic--LOL) love for your Firebird!

      It's great! I LOVE the "shaker" hood scoop, with it's (accurate, depending upon how the full-scale cars were ordered) "455" (cubic inch) "call out" on the side of the "shaker" 'scoop.

      But I'm into pre-war, pressed steel trucks, so I'm not familiar with "Hobby Craft" cars--can you link me to a discussion board or a site for Hobby Craft enthusiasts? I'd like to learn more.

      Also, what are the 'Bird's dimensions? Is it a kit, or did it come assembled?

      Very cool car! Please keep posting here--I don't know what "Negative Neds/Nancy's" have been troubling you, but I hope getting some "Love," especially from a "pressed steel" collector, for your plastic 'Bird, counts for something--I mean, it should, as your car is so cool it's caught the eye of someone totally ignorant of your area of interest, in collectibles--so that tells you just HOW cool your car is!

      So keep posting, my friend!

    11. Waltons_Mountain, 13 years ago
      Hey Ilikeart,

      I may owe you an apology--I just assumed your car was plastic-bodied, based on the interior--but the more I look at it, the more I wonder if the body is, in fact, steel/tin or ?

      So, I do apologize, if I erred. Whatever it's made out of (and now I'm really curious--LOL) it's a cool ride!



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