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Wire and Nails183 of 288HIGHLY VISIBLE AND HUMANE BARBED WIREAtomic Glaskin Barbed Wire Stretcher
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (222 items)

    Only 3 pieces of this rare wire are known to exist. Patented by Jacob Brinkerhoff, Auburn, New York in 1879, patent #214,095. #1460B in the Hagemeier Barbed Wire Encyclopedia. This variation is shown on the patent drawing.

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    1. TheGateKeeper TheGateKeeper, 12 years ago
      AR8Jason. Hope the patent drawing I posted answers your question. I posted it rather than a photo of back of the wire so you can see the other variations. This specimin is valued at $300 so you could say that it gold plated.
    2. TheGateKeeper TheGateKeeper, 12 years ago
      Sorry to say there has been a lot of misinformation about wire patents and dates.
      The earliest patent issued for a barbed fence was in 1867. Prior to that fences were all smooth wire. I feel sure the governor had it since it was a tie in to the XIT Ranch. I have a wire with barbs like yours with the letters X I T stamped on alternating barbs.

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