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i have no idea anything about this watch is it worth selling vs scrapping for gold value

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (1 item)

    I know that this watch dates back to 1893. As the engraving vs how long i have had it can anyone tell me if it has any value. I am thinking about scraping it for gold if it has little value. I have more pictures... if needed but couldne get them to post...

    Thanks for you advise

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    1. Pencil-necked-geek Pencil-necked-geek, 13 years ago
      Most any watch person will need to see a picture of the front & the back with the cover off showing the workings to give any specific information.
    2. cce0123, 13 years ago
      I did figure out a couple of things, American Waltham is the maker 5746345 serial number which verifys ifs from the 1850's.
    3. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      I don't know if is a solid gold case or a gold filled case, but no matter. I've always thought at it this way, Antique pocket watch is worth more to me as a complete timepiece. If it is a gold filled case, the watch is worth more together than melt down value. And if this is the movement serial # 5,746,345 it would date late 1891. Hope this helps
    4. toolate2 toolate2, 13 years ago
      Please post photos of the movement and inside of the case. It's a beautiful watch but we'd need to see the watch is all about before we can tell you anything...

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