Posted 13 years ago
(384 items)
Tom's peanut's jar found lid in my Granny's house, but no jar. Found jar in antique mall with no lid, lucky i guess. It is from the 30's grandad had a store where they sat along with the lance jar.Tom's metal peanut rack from 50's.Father in Law's christmas present just built him a mancave and he asked if i knew where any barbers's chair's where i found this 2 weeks later.Pepsi thermometer from late fifties early 60's.
Thank you for the Love
Thank you for the love kerry10456.
Thank you for the love officialfuel.
Thank you for the love Stonie.
Looks like you got a pretty cool store brewin there.
Thanks for the love signaholic, I got to many lance jars going to need another cabinet LOL. Thanks for the nice comment.
Thank you for the love tom61375.
Thanks for hitting the love button again tom61375.
Love the Chair...Does he still have it?
Thanks for the love Sean.
Thanks for the love CindB.
Thanks for the love ttomtucker.
Thanks for the love antiquerose:) and the kind words. Yes he still has it in his man cave and he got it reupholstered.