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pre WWI USMC Marine Corps enlisted bell crown hats

In Military and Wartime > World War One > Show & Tell and Military and Wartime > Military Hats and Caps > Show & Tell.
World War One621 of 687WWI 33rd division uniform grouping SNIPER???WWI US Army helmet with unknown insignia....
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (136 items)

    hard to find. I am lucky to have these. I am missing the khaki summer hat. I have the field greens bell crown, dress blues white bell crown, and dress blues winter blue bell crown. I am fond of USMC items, even though I was in the Navy.....

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    1. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      These are GREAT!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing and thanks for your service in the Navy
    2. tlmbaran tlmbaran, 13 years ago
      Thanks! And I am glad you like them Kerry10456!
    3. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Nice USMC hats-- I like them too and I was in the Army!

    4. ronald.jenkins, 13 years ago
      HEY,the navy and MARINES are in the same boat,sort of, you know!!! always be proud of where you serve. i was ( or am ) a Marine. as they say once a Marine Always a Marine. the collection you have looks sooooo, good!!! it is a great collection that i would love to have as well, OOORAH,&"SEMPER-FI".
    5. ronald.jenkins, 13 years ago
      you are right, Marines are part of the Navy and we are still trying to tell the goverment the same thing!!! we are the first in and last out. but at least we each have each others back. "SEMPER-FI" brother.
    6. hired_gun, 12 years ago
      I have all three myself and that is quite the accomplishment.

      I also have the separate khaki cover that was worn over the blue bellcrown, mainly on board ship. Now if I can just find the correct size bellcrown to put it on I will be all set!

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