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Harrach Enameled Uranium Glass - A Set at Last!

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Bohemian Art Glass6535 of 6681WMF Myra Form Nr. J.304 with original retail store label, ca. 1935Harrach Lemonade Set, ca. 1890s
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (649 items)

    When this unmarked bowl came up for sale on eBay recently, I just had to have it, rim chips and all - I just had to. Why? Because about two or three years ago, I bought the pair of vases that match it. At the time, I think they were listed as Moser, and though I didn't think that they were (Moser), I liked them, and they were cheap, so I got them. To my pleasant surprise, one of the two vases is marked with the "clean" Harrach mark in red (photo 3). I always love surprises like that. :) As an added bonus, this set is made in the same mottled uranium glass as the drinking set I posted last week! Does anyone know where I can get a cheap geiger counter...? :)

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    1. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      LOL, no geiger counter, but I've got a pocket roentgens gauge you can borrow. Great set, Congats
    2. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 8 years ago
      What a Fabulous set. I've not seen uranium glass like it before

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