Posted 13 years ago
(1 item)
I'm so happy to have found this web site! I've enjoyed looking at your collections and thought I'd post my own little set. I inherited these wonderful hobnail pieces from my grandmother but I don't know much about them. I've seen a lot of hobnail but not with the raised ridge design between the nails. I don't know for sure if it's Fenton or Vaseline. There are no markings on them. If someone out there can educate me about them I'd love to hear from you!
LJ, This is opalescent glass. Vaseline glass is yellow green. Much older than Fenton what you have here. Collector's call this pattern "Hobnail in Square" or "Vesta" though the original factory called it simply No. 335. It was made by the Aetna Glass Company in the mid-to late 1880s. This pattern was also made in "frosted" glass without opalescence.
Incidentally, what you have there is a table set missing a creamer. Table sets consist of a covered butter, covered sugar, spoon holder (or "spooner") and cream pitcher. They were a staple item in glassware sets of the 19th century into the 20th century.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm so glad to hear from you and learn about this set - now all I need is to find the cream pitcher to complete it! HAHA
Welcome, LJ. You might check eBay, may find it on there