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Rubina Verde Bottle form vase attributed Legras

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (43 items)

    A lovely enameled Rubina Verde (Cranberry to Green shading) bottle form decanter without stopper. I had considered it a vase as that is how I have used it in the So Victorian. It actually is more captivating in person. There a a few air bubbles in the glass in the foot but does not distract from the overall beauty. Most likely pre 1900. If you read the comments below, you will find it has a specific color name in French. The American collector in me will keep the Rubina Verde just to show my ignorance at the time of the posting if nothing else.

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    1. daisymay daisymay, 13 years ago
      Fabulous decoration - is it Moser?
    2. retro597, 13 years ago
      Odds are Moser. I have been researching and the enamel work fade of one color to the next appear tell tale Moser.
    3. Greatsnowyowl Greatsnowyowl, 12 years ago
      pretty! IMHO Legras is the strongest candidate. I have found a decor that is almost identical in the book and they did a lot of glass with this coloration. the shape is also typical of them. A lot of Legras has been called Moser over the years. Of course, Harrach made a lot of glass for both Moser and Legras so that could be the source of that.
      this would have had a stopper.
    4. Kathycat Kathycat, 12 years ago
      WOW! an another WOW! IT IS JUST SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
    5. Veloceraptor Veloceraptor, 11 years ago
      Hello, this beautiful decanter was made by Legras' factory of Saint-Denis at the end of the XIX century. I don't find the original name of this decanter but this serie was called "verdoyant". "Verdoyant" is the name of the color of the glass: carmine red and lawn green.
      I love it !
    6. retro597, 11 years ago
      Thanks Folks for the info. As someone slightly familiar with Legras but mostly cameo pieces, I am pleased for the information. So enjoyable to have all the well versed people here on this site who have helped me so often.

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