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Salt dishes?

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Early American Pattern Glass576 of 609EAPG Mystery - Plain Top Baker's SalverTooth pick holders.
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (304 items)

    I need help! I am having trouble with the mark on the red salt dish, if that's even what this is The blue dish is not marked & I would like to know what the pattern is, who made it etc. Are these salt dishes? Would they have had lids? If any one can help me that would be awesome. Thanks in advance.

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    1. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      Just dropped by to wish You and Yours a Merry Christmas and thanks for your comments on mine and sharing your treasures!!!!
    2. vintagemad vintagemad, 13 years ago
      Thank you kerry, wish the same to you and yours. That goes for all the great people here on CW that truly have all become friends.
      Have a safe and Happy Holidays!
    3. frankieboy frankieboy, 13 years ago
      Is the mark on the red one Anchor Hocking? I can't make it out very well but they did make lots of red glass. Nice piece!
    4. vintagemad vintagemad, 13 years ago
      I don't think its Anchor Hocking it seems to be a W & C together. Thanks for comment.
    5. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      I believe that is WG Westmoreland glass.
    6. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
    7. vintagemad vintagemad, 13 years ago
      Thanks Hedgewalker, G not a C.......perhaps its time for an eye exam.......... LOL!

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