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Warners Diabetes Cure Frankfurt

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    I am confident that most Warner's Cure collectors will agree, this has got to be the toughest Warner's to find (2 previously known to exist). Finally, after 35 years of searching, my diligence was rewarded.

    I have lived in Germany for over 20 years and have scoured 100's of flea markets and antique shops for Warner's Safe's. In this time, I have amassed over 150 of the bottles. Naturally, most of my varieties are from Frankfurt and Pressburg (Bratislava) . The first bottle I found while in Germany was a Green Warner's Safe Cure Frankfurt. It was at a small town flea market near Noerdlingen, and I paid 1 Deutschmark for it after a brief haggling from 3 DM. My nicest find (apart from the Diabetes Cure above) was a teel green in color Warner's Cure Pressburg; that one only cost me 500 Hft (Hungarian Forient). Now days, I am lucky to pick one up for under 50 Euros, but there are still lucky finds on occasion.

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    1. BOTTLEBLOGGER, 14 years ago
      Congratulations on the find of a lifetime. I would like to see more of your collection. I guess we won't be seeing this on eBAY anytime soon, will we? Jack
    2. Christy Lpoes, 13 years ago
      I was given a set of perfume bottles supposed to be from germany. I cant seem to find any that look like them....there are 3 1 larger 2 smaller. they are seeded uneven and purpleish in color ... can you help me find out anything about them.
    3. derkelt, 12 years ago
      Well, a world record price was set for the rarest Warner's known, a Safe Diabetes Cure Pressburg. The bottle sold for $8735.00 on eBAY recently, understandable given the extraordinary rarity of this gem. Even at that sales price, I believe it is a bargain.
    4. tombraider, 12 years ago
      Great story and great find :)
    5. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      Neat I am a diabetic here too, so interesting !!

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