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Station of the cross 1869 drawing.

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (638 items)

    I knew this was special when I saw it. Does it have the same effect on you. Let me know what you think of this incredible pencil sketch from 1869! This is one of my prized posessions!! Also in it's original rosewood frame.

    Mystery Solved


    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      The artist's name is LAZERGES, Jean Raymond Hippolyte. (1817 - 1887).
      Google images "LAZERGES, Jean Raymond Hippolyte Christ" and you will see some other images of Christ in well known museums, including the Louvre.
      If it's an original you should seek advice.

      An intriguing item!
    2. musikchoo musikchoo, 13 years ago
      Iam glad that you like my Station of the cross!!! It is an original, with signature and date and in the original rosewood frame. I can send you some more photo's if you would like. Who would I seek advice from??
      Thanks for being interested
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      A valuation re insurance. A top auction house. There are costs involved.
      The condition of the mounts and frame should be checked.

      I'm sure others will add to my thoughts.

    4. musikchoo musikchoo, 13 years ago
      Hello vetraio50
      Do you happen to know who in represented in the faint outline of the facial profile under the right shoulder of Jesus??
    5. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      I can see what you mean.
      The scene is the "descent of the body" from the Cross, I'd say.
      That's the thirteenth station.
      It may be a detail from a larger work.
      The effect comes from an interpretation of the fold of the cloth.
      To me it is a distraction from the major focus on the face of the dead Christ.

    6. musikchoo musikchoo, 13 years ago
      Thank you for the information vetraio50!!
    7. musikchoo musikchoo, 13 years ago
      Hello vetraio50:
      I have inspected this outline underneath the shoulder of Jesus and I have come to the conclusion in my mind that it is someone who is helping to retrieve Jesus from the cross. I say this because the eye lines are exagerated to the point that it could not be an illusion. If you will, inspect it further and tell me if this might be a possibility.
    8. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Hi John.
      If so, then the candidates at the Apokathelosis are three women said to be at the scene:
      Mary, his mother
      Mary Magdalene
      St Veronica (or Berenice ) : "the bearer of victory" - Shroud of Turin?
      Males would have been Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus and St John the Evangelist. (John 19:38-42). (Mary Salome being mentioned in Mark 15:40), and also that the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene saw the burial (Mark 15:47).

    9. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Hi again John!
      How is your French?
      Google the following expression.
      Simple copy and paste.
      Chemin de croix, Lazerges
      This is the French for Stations of the Cross.
      Switch to images and then you'll see some other drawings from the series.
      Series? Yes the Stations of the Cross in a book form.

      I think you can buy it for four euros or less.
      Magnifiques sanguines pour illustrer chaque station passée avec le Christ, à ses côtés, en union avec ses souffrances et dans un même acte d’amour.

      I've not found yours yet but there's one there from Station 12 etc.
      There's station 10 at another.

      I reckon yours will be 13 or "treize"

    10. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      I found it! It is number 13.;jsessionid=fj6w5z5lu3&upp=0&m=3941&w=NATIVE('INSNAME+EQ+''CENTRE+HISTORIQUE+DES+SOEURS+DE+SAINTE-ANNE''+and+image+%3D+''X''')

      On this page they have a series of the drawings from the Chemin de Croix.
      They are held by Sister of Saint Anne at their "Centre historique des Soeurs de Sainte-Anne" in Montreal, Canada.

    11. lovedtreasures lovedtreasures, 13 years ago
      I love this. Have you found any more information about this drawing. I just came across three items that look similar. I am going to try and post the photo soon. I am interested in anything you know about them. Thanks
    12. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Hi lovedtreasures. If it's from the same series there are fourteen stations.
      This was number 13.

      Check out this site!;jsessionid=fj6w5z5lu3&upp=0&m=3941&w=NATIVE('INSNAME+EQ+''CENTRE+HISTORIQUE+DES+SOEURS+DE+SAINTE-ANNE''+and+image+%3D+''X''')
    13. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Hi again loved treasures! The site above needs to be copied in full.
      That is all three lines.
      Cut the whole link and then put in into your browser.
      "Control C" then "Control V" (M'soft)
      or "commandC" then "command V" (Mac)

      It's in the Artefacts Canada Humanities Database
      Google this;
      Jésus tombe pour la troisième fois Name of Object: station de chemin de croix Artist/Maker: Lazerges, J.R.H.

      It should come up at the top of a list of three!
    14. musikchoo musikchoo, 13 years ago
      Thanks Everyone for the Love and Comments !!!!!
    15. musikchoo musikchoo, 13 years ago
      I just saw a suggestion about removing a wood Backing to protect damage to a picture. Should I remove the wood backing on this pensil drawing to protect it??
    16. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Should only be done professionally.
    17. musikchoo musikchoo, 13 years ago
      Thank You vetraio50. It is very special to me and I appreciate the advice. Thank you again vetraio50
    18. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      You're welcome. I learnt a lot from this posting, so thanks to to you as well!
    19. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Thank You Hems303, for the kind words about a Drawing that is very special to me. If this Drawing, or I, can help your endeavor in any way, just let me know. Again, Thank You.
    20. musikchoo musikchoo, 12 years ago
      Thats Great Work Steve !! You are a very talanted Artist !! Thanks for the Link to Your Work !!!

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