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Vintage Wildwood brass heron lamps

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (46 items)

    I got these lamps at two different sales- but they are mates. I went to a sale one weekend and found the first one. The next weekend, I went to a Humane Society sale and there was its' mate. I told the lady at the Humane Society sale about finding the first one, and then she told me that she wondered if my first one had come from the same lady. I told her the address of where I found the first one, and sure enough, it was from the same lady. I paid very little for each one of them even though I know they are worth much more. I love them and will be putting them in our bedroom. These are solid brass and extremely heavy.

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    1. Claretjugcollector Claretjugcollector, 14 years ago
      outrageous - reminds me of an austrian artist from the 50ies names HAGENAUER in vienna !
      beautiful stuff !!!!
    2. Woman34 Woman34, 14 years ago
      Thanks for the great comment- I absolutely love your collection of claret jugs. They are extremely beautiful.
    3. Claretjugcollector Claretjugcollector, 14 years ago
      thx a lot ! you are welcome :-)

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