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monkey art

All items215196 of 245808My 1876 B.W. Raymond gold pocket watch, Elgin Ill.Art Deco Style Picture Frame
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (167 items)

    well here is the photo i promised it is fix with a spring at the back so when you open it it wobbles up and down,as you can see it is not broken.i hope i haven't offended anyone.

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    1. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      Ohhh that's just sick ralph...How could you post that !!?? Just kidding,I think rocker won with monkeywood !!
    2. ThriftyGypsy ThriftyGypsy, 13 years ago
      HAHAHA !!!! That is defintely an awesome collectible. I have never seen one like that before. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas
    3. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      Thanks ralph this was a fun little diddy !
    4. ralph ralph, 13 years ago
      a merry Christmas to all of you and keep your door closed hahaha
    5. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      Merry Christmas to you also ralph !!
    6. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      well he should be ashamed to show his little thingy LOL :-)
    7. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      We nurses have a trick for those little fellows a flick of the finger and poof it goes back into nothing in a flash :-)
    8. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      We better delete this fellow now in case there are kids on here . He is unique for sure !
    9. ralph ralph, 13 years ago
      i thought they hit it with a pencil.
    10. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      LOL depends on what we in our pocket . Be glad it was not the scissors we always had in our pockets ! :-)
    11. ralph ralph, 13 years ago
      how i felt that.
    12. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      It is a real problem with brain trauma men and they don't like it should we say at attention . So we help it so they are not embarrassed and make it subside .
    13. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      Hedge are you there ??? knock knock anyone home ?
    14. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      I'm here Mani but I'm not knockin on that door !
    15. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      Uh Oh Monkey ...Don't look now but the King nut cracker just showed up !
    16. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      LOL hedge no don't knock on his door . I had a question but I guess I just will let it go .
    17. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      Uhh, I am surprised it's staying up! The post I mean!
    18. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      Me to since they pulled my apple with the heart on it :-( I have no clue why either
    19. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      me to they pulled my hitler knife and a novelty item that said small things come in big packeges then you open it up and you know the rest
    20. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      I don't know Manikin, all I can guess is it was the "heart on". But then this is still up. As Arsineo Hall use to say " the things that make you go Hmmm"
    21. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      It has me un nerved that my apple left but those morbid photo's can stay . They have caused me to not sleep . I am a Christian and I don't think gods people were meant to have their heads dug up and then to engrave one with a scene is mind blowing . Who collects human parts a sick person but a friendly apple gone poofff :-(
      I have considered leaving CW because of those photo's I will decide today IF they think anyone that is not satanic wants to see those body parts and poor dead baby photo and a harmless apple that was just a fun find I have no clue . If you see all my photo's go it is the reason .
    22. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      Oh I am referring to Dr sideshows stuff btw
    23. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      anybody seen manikins apple - i think somebody ate it - we will put a worm in the next one instead of a heart
    24. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      Mani please don't leave because of this.I sent a message questioning why they took the apple off.I will post answer as soon as I get one.BTW I have never been intrigued by Dr sideshows types of items and I am Pagan.But I also have learned not to judge as my people before me have been.Different people have different interests.PM pics are a part of history as are freak show items,just skip past them.You are a bright star on CW and I for one don't want to lose you !!!!!!!!
    25. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
    26. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      I just popped on to you reply Hedge and Vansky and scandi to Thank you ! It is not really the apple it is those haunting photo's that have gave me nightmares . It's ok to be what ever faith we are but I am a healer and Hedge yes they did take those photo's but they were meant to stay with loved ones not be displayed on internet . I have a fear to check on here for what next mutilation Dr sideshow has to show. If they like that stuff they can make a separate pg called enter at your risk and warn us . I love you guys ! And CW did says my apple was not collectible which is true but who know's it may have around hanging on a tree for yrs waiting for me :-) anyway who said I can't collect apples LOL
      I am still thinking and I appreciate you all ! xoxo
    27. ralph ralph, 13 years ago
      it seems like my monkey has stirred up a lot of sh-- sorry for that.
    28. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      Ralph your monkey is fine and fun , We are talking about baby pictures of deceased child and other weird items by another person . Love your monkey he made me laugh , No nightmares from him :-) keep him up
      Ok or else take to hospital I hear that more than 12 hrs can be fatal lol
    29. ralph ralph, 13 years ago
      thanks manikin

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