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Vintage Melodeon Manufactured by Prince & Co.

All items215149 of 245808Glass Vase - Shooting Stars - American Waltham Watch Company Pocket Watch
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (8 items)

    ....Melodeon is finished in Rosewood. Very nice appearance considering it's age. Manufactured by Prince & Co. It is operational.
    Dates to about 1846. Markings inside case include signature B. Deutchman {number} 440. Never restored.
    Legs quickly removable for moving...
    Instrument has been in my family back beyond the time I have knowledge of who purchased it.


    1. orvo, 12 years ago
      I just bough a melodeon @ a second hand store. Prince in a piano case. It has the same signature on the strip that secures the front of the keys. B Deutchman.
    2. qmong qmong, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the comment {orvo}.....I still have this one, have had it wrapped up for the past several decades, execpt to photograph it that you see on this site.

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