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Reagan Bush Team

In Medals Pins and Badges > Political Pinbacks > Show & Tell.
Political Pinbacks242 of 26260s  CAMPAIGN BUTTONSPolitical Campaign Buttons 1904-1972
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (103 items)

    I just saw some political buttons posted on here, and with all of the t.v. coverage lately, it reminded me that we are coming up on the crazy political season. I am not trying to promote any party, I just thought these were really cool, and I like buttons ! These appear to be real, and the company name on the side checks out. I paid 1.00 at the flea market for them. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for looking ! One thing though, I do believe that everyone should vote for whoever they believe can help our great country. I will get off of my soap box now ! Have a great day.
    Thrifty Gypsy

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    1. ThriftyGypsy ThriftyGypsy, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the "like" kerry10456 !
    2. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      NP ThriftyGyspy, would have hit the "love" but I didn't really care for George, lol, I do love the pinbacks though.
    3. ThriftyGypsy ThriftyGypsy, 13 years ago
      lol......that's a good one ! I really like pinbacks myself. Always on the lookout for them. Thanks for stopping by !
    4. ThriftyGypsy ThriftyGypsy, 13 years ago
      Thanks again BELLIN68 for all of the love today !
    5. ThriftyGypsy ThriftyGypsy, 12 years ago
      Thanks for the information Kevin. It was definitely a different time! Thrifty
    6. ThriftyGypsy ThriftyGypsy, 12 years ago
      Thanks miKKoChristmas for the love! Thrifty
    7. ThriftyGypsy ThriftyGypsy, 12 years ago
      Thanks BELLIN68 for the love! Thanks for stopping by. Thrifty
    8. ThriftyGypsy ThriftyGypsy, 12 years ago
      Thanks bratjdd for the love! Thrifty

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