Posted 13 years ago
(148 items)
Eclecticollector's sweet button sign posting inspired me to put up pics of my two 24" buttons. I purchased these not knowing a dang thing about Coca-Cola signs. (I know a little bit more now, which just makes me that much more dangerous.) I purchased the pair from a seller in Texas who said they were from an old gas station. Received with a nice layer of dust on both, I cleaned 'em, I hung 'em, and I love 'em. But they are not a perfectly matched pair. The one on the left has a logo which is slightly raised, almost like the white paint is lying on top of the red (applique?). The one on the right has a logo which is smooth to touch, as if the white and red are even on the surface (screen?). The back sides are the same. The wear around the hanger holes is very similar. Thump 'em with a knuckle and they both ring E flat. It never occurred to me that these were anything other than 100% authentic. But earlycoke's and Eclecticollector's recent comments about about fake buttons in the market has me wondering...
Hi Dave,great set of "buttons". Could your left one be porcelain, as you've descibed the "shelfing"of the letters being slightly lower than the main color.
I understand that not all of these were porcelain, so the other could be screened?
It looks like that on the chips on the side profile to me anyway. These are very rare to see here in Canada, so if you are not happy with them......
Take care buddy & have a Happy New Year!!Cheers!
Happy New Year Bernie!
Great finds Dave! You have some perfect places down in that basement for them.
Thanks Perry. I was so green when I bought these, I actually thought maybe they should be diplayed back to back, those holes were for joining them together to make a 2-sided sign. I purchased these a year ago and paid $600 delivered, which I believe was far too much. Though looking at the insanity going on currently, maybe not such a bad deal...
Yeah, I think you did good. These are some of the harder ones to find.
A mighty fine pair Dave !!!
Thanks Tommy! Happy New Year!
Theses button signs are awesome. I have been looking for the bigger version of theses signs but i have had no luck yet. Thanks for posting.