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A Christmas Vase from Franz Welz, ca. 1930s

In Art Glass > Bohemian Art Glass > Show & Tell and Christmas > Christmas Glass and Crystal > Show & Tell.
Recent Activity2766 of 6907WELZ Stripes & Spots candy/powder dish and two cupsFranz Welz - Glasmarken Lexikon
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (649 items)

    This is a favorite color combination of mine, especially during the holidays - red and green mottled vase by Franz Welz. The paper label was strategically placed - this is definitely meant to be the front of this piece. There are three indentations in the body - the two in "front" are much deeper that the one in "back". The paper "Made In Czecho-Slovakia" label is in the same shape as the "F.W.K." and "Royal Art Glass" labels (Franz Welz Klostergrab). Also marked on the bottom with the acid stamped two-line mark "Made In Czechoslovakia"

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    1. charcoal charcoal, 12 years ago
      Not that paper label shapes is a good marker, but... It doesn't appear that the Royal Art Glass label is the same shape as the other two. Please see this recent posting from Jericho for more information on the label shapes you mention above.

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