Posted 13 years ago
(649 items)
This is an under-appreciated line, if you ask me. What is known about this type of glass is that it was made by Harrach, and marketed by both Harrach and Moser. (see Moser, 1857-1997, published by the factory) It dates to around 1885-1890 (before Moser had their own glass works). Other houses also made glass of this type, but these are generally thinner walled, crudely decorated, and the white inclusions are more closely akin to what we would call spatter glass. The grouping shown here includes what I suspect are two Moser (miniature and ewer) and two Harrach (the two taller pieces). Lemon agate and yellow onyx have been mentioned as possible inspirations for this glass.
Hey don't forget stracciatella!
Someone also mentioned lemon agate, which is possible, although the striations in that are pretty clearly delineated.
Such a foodie! I knew you would one day connect your two loves!
I see food everywhere :)
The closest stone I can think of is yellow chalcedony
Hello bohemianglassandmore, You may be interested in this recent posting showing a similar yellow and white decor.
Hi Warren. Thanks for posting these. I also have two miniature vases in yellow & white with decoration i got ages ago when starting out & not seen for ages. Seeing yours has made me want to study them again but they're in a box somewhere among other boxes. When i find them I'll post them, maybe you can help ID them for me? I liked them but they're very small & i started preferring bigger glass :)
Lisa, Fran - I would be happy to look at your pieces - if you would like, you can email me at
Hi Warren, my goodness, has it really been 2years since I posted on this!? And I still don't remember where I put my miniatures, lol. I have however just posted a new vase, the orange decoration is so like your miniature here I wonder if it's also by Moser? I'd love your opinion :)