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canvas painting

All items214150 of 245738carved jade Cohannet Silver Baby Cup 1896 ?
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (252 items)

    I don't know what to say about this painting other than it was done very well if anyone can tell me anything about it I have had no luck

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    1. TeresaD TeresaD, 13 years ago
      I love art but need to stop getting it cant find out anything on them if you can help thank you
    2. TeresaD TeresaD, 13 years ago
      I think it's time for me to have a yard sale this summer it will be my first one I'm sure I have more fun going to them than having one I need to find someone that can help price everything for me now you never know who ever gets some of my things maybe posting it next they may have better luck finding out about it all or even know about it them self
    3. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 13 years ago
      I can't tell you much about this painting. I can tell you a friend of mine in Bethel, Alaska has the same one. Hers is actually a set of three paintings. A man, a woman and between them a painting of a lake and forest with mountains. The images of the man and woman are painted in a manner that they are facing each other with the painting of the lake scene between them. Kind of like they are in love but can't get across the lake to be together. I have no idea if hers are signed but I certainly remember the paintings very well.
    4. TeresaD TeresaD, 13 years ago
      Thanks fhrjr2,
    5. dollygirl123, 13 years ago
      Very nice painting and interesting comments from viewers. I'm sorry that I can't add any more information. Will keep you in mind, though, if something crosses my path. Good luck with the sale. ish I could be there.

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